Over the past fifty years, video games have become a major cultural and creative industry. At once media, technology, hardware and software, video games are at the forefront of many fields, while at the same time fostering their passive adoption: technological innovations, the use of real-time 3D and AI, business models, work organization, consumer practices, purchasing and ownership, structuring imaginary worlds and social relations.
At the crossroads of all these dynamics, the European Video Game Observatory is a point of reference for producing studies and analyses for all those interested in video games: industry players as well as non-industry players interested in gaming, European, national and regional public authorities, and non-governmental organizations.
We felt that the European level was necessary for an industry that is globalized and structured into large transnational zones, and which, for certain super powers, is a major strategic soft power asset. The wealth of European productions, the geopolitical issues that run through video games and the evolution towards a multipolar world make it imperative to make clear what Europe is doing with and for video games.
We’ll be producing regular studies and analytical videos, as well as keeping abreast of video game news concerning Europe. Researchers, creators, thinkers of video games in Europe, if you’d like to join us, please don’t hesitate to contact us.